Part 40: Ending the Loop

One last "real" chapter ending...
Of course, first the optional bosses. I did some grinding and found the following equipment in the process:

A weapon for Olgar.

And one for Vahti. Trimurti (त्रिमूर्तिः) is the "Great Trinity" of Hindu deities: Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. "Murti" is actually a physical representation of a god (such as a statue, but it doesn't have to be). Lingam (linga) however, is typically Shiva's murti, so I'm not sure how this name even makes sense, but... Fun fact: like most other Indo-European languages, English too gets its words for numbers from Sanskrit, so "tri" (त्रि) really does mean "three"!

Some clothes for Olgar.

Larme Déesse is bit of an ungrammatical way of saying "Tear of a goddess" in French language (it should be "larme de la déesse" but who's counting)
And so after the bosses were defeated, I got a new set of equipment:

"Propateer" is a bad transliteration of Greek word προπάτωρ (propator) meaning "forefather". So this name makes sense in the context of the plot. It also has a special meaning in Gnosticism.

And another one for Vahti, with a somewhat symmetrical name. Actually I preferred the equipment names from the previous chapter, those were more fun to figure out with their wacky translations.

Well, anyway, we need to get moving to the real ending of this chapter...

I agree. This has been going on for a while now, and it really is the time to start moving towards the finish.

Inside, as always, we have three elevators to take in turn.

It's time for the boss gauntlet, one last time. First is the executioner.

Let's see...

Um... he just healed and negated all damage we did!

Let's try again...

Nope, does not work. What's happening?

So, Olgar has gone away for a while, and the idea is that now we need to survive several turns (about 5-6) with Vahti alone. We can't damage the Executioner so this is just a matter of staying alive. Of course at our level, it doesn't even matter, but even otherwise, it would just be a thing where you heal constantly in between turns.
Finally, Olgar returns, and...

That's better!

Uh-oh, this is not so good.

And what do you know, here is the familiar corridor with infodump terminals!
> An organically-grown lifeform programmed to
ensure that the Ark Arena proceeds smoothly.
Loaded with advanced A.I. to assist in
guiding participants.
> Follows commands given by the Almighty.
> Guide participants to proper destination.
> Execute insubordinate participants.
> Judge participants' eligibility to open
the Final Door.
> An organically-grown lifeform programmed to
ensure that the Ark Arena proceeds smoothly.
> Follows commands given by the Almighty.
> Execute insubordinate participants.
> Judge participants' eligibility to open
the Final Door.
> The two participants that win the Ark Arena
will be sent back 10,000 years to become
the First Couple.
Their superior DNA will be used to reconstruct
humanity and create powerful warriors.
Currently discovered special abilities:
Toughness: Loop #768
Pyrokinesis: Loop #782
Magic: Loop #1737
Psychokinesis: Loop #1979
Teleportation: Loop #2001
> The act of sending living matter back in time
has a high probability of being noticed by
the Qualia. Should that happen, the Qualia's
interference is predicted to speed up the end
of timespace.
> Therefore, only two people at a time will be
sent back in order to keep this risk as low as

> A means of ensuring that the First Couple can continue
to produce a predetermined amount of descendants.
> Their bodies will be boosted to superhuman levels
using the principles of transhumanism. This will
allow their cells to increase their divisiions at
a vastly increased rate, even upon taking damage,
resulting in automatic regeneration.
> Simultaneously, telomere reduction will be employed
to prevent their cells from aging.
> These effects will likely be neutralized in the
presence of the Qualia's energy (Quintessence).

Eventually, road takes us into the Arena again...

Next elevator, of course, brings us face to face with the Agent!

Well, that didn't work.

So it's one more fight with the Agent...

A few hits, not very different.

Yes, really. We need to fight him one more time, but now with just Olgar. It's still not a problem.

Well, that was a bit dramatic, but now is the time for more...

...infodump terminals.
> Can travel up to 10,000 years in the past
using the principles of timespace navigation.
> While the first couple uses that time to
propogate, the Ark will hide inside the time
axis, to avoid altering history.
> Contains records of multiple Earths.
1. Re-creation and preservation of Earth's past
and historical artifacts.
2. Lifeform preservation (both sexes).
> Synthesized monsters created from existing
animal DNA will be placed around the Ark
to serve as level counters for participants.
Curent number of voyages: 2003
Newest Companions:
Vieg Valma (Olgar)
Vahti Pauwell

> One of the First Woman candidates for the Ark Project
> Genetic Rank: 3
> The original First Woman
> The founder of the Ark Project
> Widely acclaimed for his work on timespace.
> Famously succeeded at preventing plant and animal
extinction by controlling their time axes. The
first to discover the existence of the Qualia
through his research on how lifeforms become extinct.
> Known during his college days by the nickname

Okay then. Time to visit the control room now!

It contains the last three terminals...
> A system used to ensure the Ark continues to
run smoothly.
> Connected test subject Theia Lieberg's cranial
nerve directly to the Ark central nervous system
in lieu of A.I.
> Produce a human race capable of matching
the Qualia.
> Judge participant's ability to open the Final Door.

> Separate timespaces that exist in parallel.
Theoretically, these individual timespaces
should never cross paths with each other.
> Beginning with the Original Couple, the Ark
has helped spawn countless new timespaces.
Of these, 99.99% have been confirmed to have
been destroyed by the Qualia.
> It is predicted that the Qualia will even cause
separate parallel timespaces to converge.

And finally...

> A conceptual being of pure energy. Its only
determinable purpose is to distort space,
consume everything and bring about
> Once it appears in a timespace, it consumes
everything until that timespace is destroyed.
Confirmed Data:
> Millions of attempts to destroy the Qualia
have been undertaken over thousands of
timespaces, but a powerful corrective force
always brings the timespace back to destruction.
> Confirmed timespaces destroyed: 64,762.
The Singularity:
> After a long and exhaustive observation,
a single point in timespace, though to be
the Singularity, has been confirmed to be
capable of enabling a sufficiently powerful
force, in theory, to destroy small amounts
of energy.
> The primitive human race that exists in the
Singularity has been confirmed to be incapable
of producing even the smallest amounts of
this energy. The Ark will be used to help this
race develop their ability to produce this

Ha ha, ok. There is one more elevator to deal with...

Well, we already know what's there, of course.

So, fight, I guess?

I guess now the portal will open again...

One more time... the closing credits.

And yes... the trusty "To be continued" message. Do you think we'll be seeing it again? You never really know with this game...

* * *
Before we finish the chapter, let's not forget the optional boss fight against our characters' dark selves.

Nothing special about it this time either.

And our reward is two diamond accessories.
So that's all there is to do in this chapter. It was considerably more messy than the other three, what will all the clone business and all that, but what can you do, right?

So... uh... what happens now?